Katelyn Grimoldby

Fullstack Developer Resumé

My Toolkit

  • CSS3 CSS3
  • Javascript Javascript
  • Git Git
  • Sass Sass
  • Typescript Typescript
  • React React
  • Express Express
  • Next.js Next.js
  • Redux Redux
  • Jest Jest
  • Node.js Node.js
  • Vite Vite
  • MongoDB MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
  • Docker Docker

My Projects

The Travel Enablers

Travel Enablers
  • Sass
  • Typescript
  • Next.js

This one is real! A Next.js application with client updates made through Contentful CMS, and payment processing made possible with Stripe Elements. Website is hosted on Netlify.

Job Application Tracker

Job Application Tracker
  • CSS3
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Express

A job tracker with user authentication and authorization, server-side session management, and a useful CRUD app with user-friendly UI for anyone in the job hunt. PostgreSQL with Sequelize is used for user ad job management, and Redis used for session management. Fully tested with Vitest.

Miralou Cosmetic Store

Miralou Cosmetic Store
  • CSS3
  • Typescript
  • React

This fictional ecommerce site was built with React bootstrapped by Vite, with routing handled by React Router. Static JSON was used to populate the site, and global state was managed with Redux Toolkit.

About Me

React.js Illustration

Full-stack developer with experience in Node and React leveraging Typescript. I have been learning web development for four years; I have completed a full-stack web development cerificate through the University of Helsinki, and additionally hold certificates for Typescript, GraphQL, Containers, CI/CD, and Relational Databases.

I value attractiveness, functionality, and maintainability in my work, and as a result I go over my code with a fine-toothed comb to ensure such. I am constantly looking for new technologies to learn, and always ready to jump in head-first to help a team member.

This portfolio and most projects above have been designed by me. As a developer, I believe understanding the 'why' behind a design to be just as valuable as how to implement it. That's why, in addition to always learning new technologies and growing as a developer, I seek to grow as a designer as well.

Contact Me